Too Many Names to Remember
March 27, 2020
6:22 am
My own worst critic.. the grace period. Every time I read something I’ve written more than two years ago… I cringe. I’m sure that whenever it was written at the

People Do Not Have to Like You
March 26, 2020
11:48 pm
So, one thing you have to know about me… I’ve got opinions. One of my biggest pet peeves about opinionated people are those that can dish opinions, but cannot take

A Peek Into 2020
December 2, 2019
9:14 am
Let me be honest — this is best case scenario. Those of you in the know, know that January 2020, will officially begin my year of funemployment. But wait, Millie!

10 Things I Learned AFTER Self-Publishing
March 2, 2018
9:28 pm
So I’m on a self-publishing journey, y’all. It’s something to do during my off time post-graduation. I’m not hard pressed to become an overnight success, as I am blessed enough